Diabetic & Asthma Clinics


Diabetes affects people from all walks of life - from the very young to the very old - and is now considered an epidemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO). In Ireland, it is estimated that there are 200,000 people with diabetes with many unaware. The majority of these people will only be diagnosed through an acute medical event of the complications of long term untreated hyperglycaemia. With an average of seven years between onset and diagnosis, the earlier the condition is detected the easier it will be to manage. Early detection gives the ability to protect against heart attack, stroke and vision loss which is due to high blood sugar levels over years.

As of Spring 2016 We will be rolling out the Diabetic Cycle of Care - Our Type II Diabetic patients will be contacted to organise all their associated tests and reviews that will be undertaken approximately every 6 months along with their existing hospital review appointments.


In conjunction with the U6 DVC Card, the practice will be organising reviews of our U6 Asthmatic Patients commencing Spring 2016. All children in this category will receive an appointment for a specific Asthmatic review.