Our Services

In addition to special services offered in clinic settings, the Practice offers a wide range of services as listed below:

  • Childhood immunisations
  • STI clinics
  • Cervical Smear Tests
  • Suture Removal - Specific GP's - Please ask at time of booking
  • Dressings
  • Blood Pressure Check
  • 24 Hr Monitor
  • Covid Vaccinations 
  • Injections 
  • Women's/ Men's Health

Free Contraception Scheme

We are registered Practitioners for the Free Contraceptive Scheme for 17-35 launched in 2022.

Women in this category, who are resident in the state and have a PPSN can avail of the scheme.

The scheme covers consultations, procedures and follow up for all contraceptives, including pills, rings, coils and injection.

Please contact us for more information or to make an appointment.

Registered Nurse Prescriber

A change in the law in 2007 now allows certain specially qualified registered nurses to write prescriptions for an agreed range of drugs. This allows these nurses to give you a more complete service.

An RNP can prescribe a range of drugs within their area of work as defined by the GP Partners 

We are pleased to inform you that Katie our practice Nurse is now a Registered Nurse Prescriber (RNP) and we have been delighted to support implementation of nurse medicinal product prescribing within The Windmill Medical Centre. 

Patient Specific Requests - Turnaround times

  • Call backs regarding Results - Up to 72 Hours from time of request 
  • Letters - Minimum 7 Days from time of request
  • Prescription Requests - Up to 72 hours from time of request
  • Medical Legal Letters/Insurance Letters/PMA's - minimum of 4 weeks from receipt of valid request with full patient consent attached. Reports will only be issued upon receipt of full payment - Charges are available from Reception.

Please ensure you allow sufficient time for all repeat prescriptions and letter requests to avoid disappointment.